Research in the QuantumGroup@Ugent is focused on unravelling entanglement patterns in interacting quantum many-body systems. We are developing the theory of quantum tensor networks, devise novel computational methods for optimizing them, and apply those to problems in condensed matter physics, quantum field theory, atomic physics and quantum computing. Very recently we have added an experimental research line on ultra-cold atoms, with our first Belgian lab hosting a Bose-Einstein Condensate.
Twisted gauging and topological sectors in (2+1)d abelian lattice gauge theories
Bram Vancraeynest-De Cuiper, Clement Delcamp
Disentangling critical quantum spin chains with Clifford circuits
Chaohui Fan, Xiangjian Qian, Hua-Chen Zhang, Rui-Zhen Huang, Mingpu Qin, Tao Xiang
Finite-size scaling on the torus with periodic projected entangled-pair states
Gleb Fedorovich, Lukas Devos, Jutho Haegeman, Laurens Vanderstraeten, Frank Verstraete, Atsushi Ueda
Self-congruent point in critical matrix product states: An effective field theory for finite-entanglement scaling
Jan T. Schneider, Atsushi Ueda, Yifan Liu, Andreas M. Läuchli, Masaki Oshikawa, Luca Tagliacozzo
Finite Entanglement Scaling of Disorder Parameter at Quantum Criticality
Wen-Tao Xu, Rui-Zhen Huang
Systematic construction of stabilizer codes via gauging abelian boundary symmetries
Bram Vancraeynest-De Cuiper, José Garre-Rubio
Chiral Edge States Emerging on Anyon-Net
Atsushi Ueda, Kansei Inamura, Kantaro Ohmori
Interacting chiral fermions on the lattice with matrix product operator norms
Jutho Haegeman, Laurens Lootens, Quinten Mortier, Alexander Stottmeister, Atsushi Ueda, Frank Verstraete
Bridging Rokhsar-Kivelson Type and Generic Quantum Phase Transitions via Thermofield Double States
Wen-Tao Xu, Rui-Zhen Huang, Guang-Ming Zhang
February 13, 2025, 3:00 PM (CET)
Error mitigation and circuit division for early-fault-tolerant quantum phase estimation
Stefano Polla, Leiden
February 12, 2025, 2:00 PM (CET)
CMPS for relativistic QFT: old and new
Antoine Tilloy, CAS Mines Paris
February 6, 2025, 3:00 PM (CET)
Solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation with neural quantum states
Anka Van De Walle, UGent
January 30, 2025, 3:00 PM (CET)
Entanglement Asymmetry in Conformal Field Theory
Michele Fossati, SISSA
January 23, 2025, 3:00 PM (CET)
Quantum cellular automata and categorical dualities of spin chains
Corey Jones, North Carolina State University
January 23, 2025, 2:00 PM (CET)
Discrete time crystals in disorder-free lattices: from tensor networks to quantum processors
Lennart Fernandes, NY University
January 5, 2025, 3:00 PM (CET)
How to find non-invertible symmetries in lattice models?
Weiguang Cao, University of Southen Denmark
December 5, 2024, 4:00 PM (CET)
Anyon Superconductivity from Topological Criticality in a Hofstadter-Hubbard Model
Tomohiro Soejima, Harvard
December 5, 2024, 4:00 PM (CET)
Non-invertible symmetries and LSM-type constraints on a tensor product Hilbert space
Sahand Seifnashri, IAS Princeton